Modern Hen Classic Kitchen Reveal

I love before and afters, don’t you?

It’s so much fun to see what a room looked like once upon a time and then in mere seconds… wallah! The Big Reveal.

Out with the old in with the new.

Just. Like. That.

Speaking of makeovers, I hope you’re in the mood to browse the big changes in our kitchen.   Let’s start with the way things looked before.

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Toasted Coconut & Pecan Strawberry Shortcakes

Picture 8Helloooo Friends… how are YOU?

You know how sometimes life takes a turn and what you love to do has to take a backseat for a time so that you can step away and dive into something you never ever expected and you think,,,,

I’ll just take a little break over here and go over there for a bit… get all this new stuff figured out… then get right back to where I was.

Well, my get right back didn’t happen.


It’s been weeks since my last post.

In other words — I got a new job and huge learning curve with it. I’ve loved every minute of it but it certainly threw me off my game.

And then my sister called to tell me she ran into a friend who asked what happened to me… what happened to the blog?

Then that old stirring I remembered began to turn in my heart.

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So this little diddy…

I ran across it the other night while mindlessly perusing one of my favorite magazines.

Actually, after reading the recipe I couldn’t get the thought of toasted coconut and pecans loaded into a warm biscuit out of my head.

I mean have you ever heard of such a delicious thing?

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Fresh Quinoa Salad

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Did you see it?

I posted this delicious little diddy on Modern Hen Home’s Facebook page last week.

It’s the perfect salad in my opinion — sweet, savory, crunchy, creamy, healthy.

Anything but boring!

And while my husband had sesame ginger salmon sizzling on the grill, I poked a few holes in an extra large sweet potato with a fork, zapped it in the microwave for 5 minutes, split it down the middle and added a pat of butter on both sides for us to share.

Wallah… dinner served!

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Quick and easy gourmet that doesn’t break the bank and takes less than 30 minutes to prepare. I found the sesame ginger marinade at Kroger near the salad dressings.

Fresh Quinoa Salad

1 cup Quinoa (cooked as directed & cooled)
To serving bowl add:
1/2 English cucumber, diced
1 green onion, chopped
1 small bunch cilantro, chopped
half avocado, diced
6 cherry tomatoes, halved
juice from half lemon
1/4 cup Greek dressing (or to taste)
1/4 cup Cranberry Raisins
1/8 tsp kosher salt
pinch black pepper

Toss and enjoy!

Oh and please stop by to visit me on the Facebook page…

I’d love to meet you there!

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Hidden Treasures & Consignment Shop Finds

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Did you know that cursive writing is becoming a lost art?

It’s true. I even asked my son’s principal about it.

Troubled by this news I sat the boys down to discuss it — to reason with them. With every fiber of my being I shared why they needed to continue writing in cursive.  How they must not be a part of its demise. I did my best to convince them that without their perseverance… cursive would surely die.

I pleaded.

They told me I was being dramatic then gently sat me down in a chair, touched my shoulder and said…

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Merry Christmas & A Last Minute Paper Bow

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I was busy minding my business walking the hall with a clipboard in one hand.

On a legal pad of paper was a long list of things I needed to take care of before checking them off that morning.

As I floated down the corridor to my next stop I happened to look up and noticed a petite woman in a doorway. She seemed stuck in her wheelchair as she tried to pull herself forward but the chair wouldn’t budge. I stopped to ask if I could help and she said yes that she needed to just get over the threshold. Continue reading

10 Best Tips for Baking Cookie Cutouts

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I think I could have been in that commercial.

Remember the one where the mom’s in the kitchen and she dusts her face with flour to fool her family into thinking she has baked for hours, then she hands them a plate of Rice Krispy treats?

Only my family would be on to me because they know Rice Krispy treats aren’t made with flour.

Now I am one busy momma, probably just like you, who likes traditions, especially for the holidays, and sugar cookies are my kid’s favorite.  They get really excited when they see cookie cutters on the kitchen counter. And I must admit, I enjoy making and eating sugar cookies, too! Continue reading

Tinsel & Glitter

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Timing is everything they say.

Like a snowy white Christmas.

Some years we get one,,, and some we don’t.

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The holidays.

Do you make big plans to skate through them like me?

This year I had ideas for spectacular crafts and I plotted a unique shopping trip and tore out festive recipes from magazines with the very best intentions.

Then before I knew it time got away, life got even busier, and I have come to accept that it makes more sense to simply slow down and glide.

Enjoy the season.

Stress less.

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Brown Sugar & Orange Glazed Sweet Potatoes

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I’m not waiting another whole year.

Maybe I won’t gorge myself next Thanksgiving if I treat myself between now and then to a delicious fancy dish like glazed sweet potatoes. I mean sweet potatoes and yams are available at the grocery store all year long.

And so are marshmallows and orange zest.

I know, right?

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Well, initially I squiggled my nose at the thought of zest on my yams… but now I prefer them this way.

Just ask my brother-in-law who gushed over them this past holiday. He told me about the time he bought a Continue reading

Petite Silver Bell Wreath

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Dean Martin was my grandma’s boyfriend.

That’s what she said every time he came on the television when I was a kid.

Of course she was teasing me, but to her Dino was the cat’s meow. She thought he was handsome and funny and she loved all of his movies.

I don’t think it hurt that he had a velvety singing voice either.

But, what I remember fondly about Dean Martin is his Christmas album.

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Amazing Cranberry Salad

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Did I mention how amazing this salad is?

I wish you could come over now and try a spoonful because I just made it for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.

My husband gave it a taste test and he said it’s perfect! He’s the one I like to please the most since he raves… and I like when he does that.

Makes me happy… and thankful!  Continue reading

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